Outer Space Security Lexicon
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Anti-Satellite (ASAT)


Anti-satellite is often used as a synonym of counterspace capabilities, but it is more commonly understood to refer to a subset of counterspace technology, as it focuses on targeting one component of space systems (the satellite). While most consider ASATs to refer to any form of counterspace capability that targets the space segment of a system, there are some that use this term to refer only to kinetic or destructive (hardkill) counterspace capabilities.

Space Orbits And Locations

Space Orbits And Locations

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Outer Space Security Lexicon
Outer Space Security Lexicon
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A Lexicon for Outer Space SecurityUnited Nations Institute for 
Disarmament ResearchPalais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10
Phone:+41 (0)12 345 5678
Outer Space Security Lexicon